Category: Knowledge

  • Blog post loading on web page with Ajax & Express

    Create a static page called blog.html in the public folder. Content of the server7.js The appropriate file structure should resemble the following: Run the Express application by executing the following command in the Ubuntu terminal: Make sure both Orange Pi and PC have the same subnet and connect to the same router or network switch. On the PC’s web… Read more

  • Rotating Photo gallery on web page with Ajax & Express

    Create a static page called gallery.html in the public folder. JavaScript inside sends an AJAX request when the the page is loaded, and every 2s after, to the route for the path /images.json. When the AJAX response is received, use the response data to Content of the server6.js The appropriate file structure should resemble the following: Run the Express… Read more

  • Dynamic content loading on web pages with Ajax & Express (5)

    It is the fifth example using JQuery AJAX function and Express JS. This example sets up a disclaimer page for user to accept to use of cookies. The work flow of disclaimer.html Content of the server5.js The appropriate file structure should resemble the following: Run the Express application by executing the following command in the… Read more